Subject:   RE: Respect for the laws
From:   "Benton, Tommy" <>
Date:   Mon, March 27, 2006 8:58 am
Priority:   Normal
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I don't push either button unless I think it is the right thing to do.
Tommy Benton


From: on behalf of
Sent: Sun 3/26/2006 7:20 PM
Subject: Respect for the laws


If you want respect for the laws, you won't get it by murdering citizens
who have the guts to fight back against your government. If you want
respect for the laws, make the laws respectable.

Countries are absolutely justified in fighting back, by any necessary
means, when their sovereign territory is attacked by soldiers sent by a
hostile government. Citizens are equally justified in fighting back, by
any necessary means, when their rights are attacked by cops sent by a
hostile government.

In case you haven't noticed, you have two buttons on your voting station.
Nowadays, those buttons represent your choice: Call off the War on Drugs
now, or wait until more cops get themselves killed in action first.

If you're one of the members who keeps pushing the second button, in order
to win elections, you are buying votes with cops' blood. How long will you
continue to do so? As long as the cops are stupid enough to continue
furnishing it?

As time goes on, more citizens will realize that the Second Amendment
wasn't written for sportsmen. In Maryland, the slaves were freed with
ballots, but in Georgia, they had to be freed with bullets. Whatever

The line between the inherent natural rights of outvoted citizens and the
authority some other citizens delegated to your government runs between
acts that don't violate anybody's rights, and acts that do. Selling and
enjoying drugs doesn't violate anybody's rights.

When the Freedom Fighters make themselves a force to be reckoned with, the
two buttons will represent an ultimatum: Total compliance with libertarian
demands or total extermination of your cops. Which button will you press

How many cops do drug dealers have to exterminate before the Georgia
Legislature understands that drug enforcement will not be tolerated? All
of them, or only half?

If you don't want cops to get themselves killed enforcing unjust laws,
repeal them.

The Hon. Tom Alciere
Nashua, New Hampshire