How to defeat the Islamic State

NEW: Audio that will discourage potential DAESH recruits. FTL-ISIS.wav (2:43)


The only way to defeat them is to destroy them. They take prisoners but then they murder the prisoners, including civillians. There is no need t take Islamic State fighters as prisoners. The ones badly wounded from gunfire or explosions should be left on the street to suffer and die slowly.

I have seen photos in Dabiq where fighters parade down the street of a captured (oh, excuse me, a “liberated”) city. Locals should realize that there is nothing to lose, they might as well resist now. In some of these photos there are tall buildings along the street, from which locals could throw hand grenades. In one photo an armored vehicle rolls down the street, with open doors on top through which one grenade might pass if dozens are thrown. One bomb falling into a compartment could damage the vehicle to the extent it cannot proceed, and would block traffic behind it, making slower-moving targets. Lots of hand grenades thrown from windows might cripple some Islamic State fighters.

The problem with air strikes is the innocent casualties.

In Dabiq, the Islamic State taunts the United States to give its best weapons to proxy armies because these weapons will fall into the hands of the Islamic State. There is a lot of truth to that. One thing that cannot fall into Islamic State hands is current intelligence. Information about Islamic State forces advancing is useless to the Islamic State, whose leaders already know. With advance warning, the civillians and Iraqi soldiers can be evacuated, leaving the city to fall into the hands of the Islamic State. Wait until they settle in, then do merciless air strikes and missile strikes.


In the article, The Complete Message From James Foley (Dabiq, volume 3, page 39) it says,
     I call on my brother John, who is a part of the US air force, to think about what he’s doing and how his work destroys the lives of many people including that of his own family.      I call on you John, to think about whoever made the decision to bomb Iraq recently and kill those people, whoever they might have been. Think John. Who is it they really killed? And did they think about me, or you, or our family and how that decision is going to affect us?
     I died on that day John. When your colleagues dropped those bombs, they signed my death certificate!

That said, there must be a complete return to the ancient principles: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances with none.” (Thomas Jefferson) U.S.A. persons need to accept that the boundaries of the U.S.A. are the boundaries of the U.S.A. Even when brutal dictators are murdering innocent persons, the extermination can be mitigated by the other ancient, honourable principle: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, thy homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door.”

The blood of millions of Shoah victims is on the hands of the U.S.A. Government, which blocked one fire exit as Hitler and Company burned the house down. One exit would have been plenty, but the U.S.A. Government also blocked another, namely Haiti.

Persons outraged about the Shoah should demand an immediate end to immigration restrictions. This means that a Sunnī oppressed in a Shia-dominated country, as well as persons who are Shia living in a Sunni-dominated country, would be free to leave to the U.S.A., as would Jews persecuted in their home countries around the world, Yazidis being attacked by the Islamic State.

During the Shoah, victims had no place to go except death camps. This made more obvious the need for a Jewish state to which refugees could flee next time. Well, there wouldn't have been such a big need if the U.S.A. bureaucrats had simply refrained from violating the rights of Hitler’s victims to travel to the U.S.A.

Let us not overlook the possibility that refugees could flee from their respective, oppressive countries to Saudi Arabia for hajj and then, with co-operation from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, simply catch a flight to U.S.A. instead of returning home.

The mission of police departments includes physical and violent resistance against suicide attempts. Since police have more detective skills than the average person, it might make some sense for them to share some of their expertise with some of the public, such as teachers and clergy, to spot the danger signs; but then it is up to the clergy and teachers to follow their respective religious teachings when responding upon observing those danger signs. If their religion teaches calling the cops then they would do so, but if their religion teaches that they must handle the situation themselves, then that is what they must do.

The mission of the U.S. Secret Service includes enforcing the federal laws against counterfeiting. Since they are good at detecting counterfeit money it might make some sense for them to teach tellers and cashiers how to spot bogus bills.

In keeping with these principles of law enforcement working with the public, and given that the F.B.I. knows more about the danger signs of somebody about to join the Islamic State than the average person, it does make some sense to work with imams and Islamic centers to educate them on the danger signs; but the Muslim clergy must never become puppets of the F.B.I. Okay, so one convert is saying crazy stuff, what to do? Well, what does your sect teach? Does your sect teach, call the cops, or does your sect teach, handle it yourselves? These persons must not take direction from F.B.I. on how to interpret Quran or Hadīth text for the at-risk individual’s better understanding.

Since the Islamic State only wants Sunnis, obviously it would not make much sense for F.B.I. agents to spend time talking to rabbis and priests about how to detect a member of your synagogue or church who might want to join the Islamic State. Even so, citizens must work together to avoid fueling the rage which impels the Sunnī to violent conflict. Teachers and clergy must teach a zero-tolerance policy for abusing Muslims.

The kids pick on Ibrahim because he is a Muslim. Ibrahim is angry about the constant abuse. Now, even the girls who have no ill will against Islam don’t want Ibrahim because he is always in a bad mood, and he is always in a bad mood because the girls don’t want him. Then he reads about the Sunni paradise in the Khilafah, where the men get to buy Yazidi girls at auction. What happens next? What do you think? It ain’t your job to fix him up with your sister, but it is your job to stop your students and congregation members from provoking Ibrahim.

If the taunting and abuse cross the line between free speech and crime, F.B.I. must either prosecute or refer the matter to local cops, depending on jurisdictional issues. Let one creep get arrested for maliciously pulling a hijab off somebody, and let the creep go to prison, thousands of persons all over the Middle East will hear about it, will hear that the cops in the U.S.A. take such matters very seriously, and a local plan to attack a United States consulate might be cancelled.

The U.S.A. and her allies won the Cold War by using an economic system superior to that of the Soviet Union and Soviet allies. The U.S.A. needs the best possible economic system to take on the Islamic State. This means liberty and justice for all.

There is clearly a need to return to the gold and silver standards in the U.S.A. to compete. The Confederacy lost the War of Secession by running out of money and printing notes faster, as the Federal Reserve is currently doing to the United States dollar.

Public school needs to be abolshed. Competing schools will have to perform or they will go out of business. Schools will have to compete based on the quality of the curriculum, the safety of the students, convenience of hours and many other factors. There are 24 hours in a day and these hours must be utilized to their fullest, so it will be necessary for schools and children’s centres to be available overnight whilst parents work.

U.S.A. persons need to learn Arabic. This will empower them to compete with the AlHayat Media Center and other sources issuing calls for violent jihād

Zoning restrictions must be abolished. This will immediately create jobs in demolishing dilapidated old houses with lead paint and aluminum wiring, replacing them with apartment houses. The expensive requirement that they add a parking lot must be removed. Let the market set the price for parking spaces and let pedestrians save that money. Without zoning, they can walk to work. Without zoning, more small businesses will open up. If you don’t want a factory at the end of your street, guess what: You don’t own the end of your street. Traffic? Guess what: They are licenced drivers on a public way and they have a right to drive on “your” street. Oh, I see: Quiet nights are a right if you have lots of money for a house far from a busy street, but it is okay to inflict truck noise on poorer residents along state highways, at any hour.

In Dabiq, Volume 5, page 18, it is announced:

In an effort to disentangle the Ummah from the corrupt, interest-based global financial system, the Islamic State recently announced the minting of new currency based on the intrinsic values of gold, silver, and copper. This initiative is a significant step towards shifting the Ummah away from the usage of currencies that are no longer backed by any precious metals, and whose values are constantly manipulated by the central banks of their respective nations.